Mental Health America’s Anxiety Roundtable on Facebook Live Featuring Dr. Cassiday


Mental Health America, the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all Americans, is hosting a roundtable discussion on anxiety Thursday, May 28, at 3:30 p.m. (ET).  The panel includes our clinic director Dr. Karen Cassiday, actor Tati Gabrielle, and [...]

Mental Health America’s Anxiety Roundtable on Facebook Live Featuring Dr. Cassiday2020-05-27T13:56:48-05:00

‘I Should Be Good At This’: Agoraphobic People Are Suffering Through Quarantine With Everyone Else


Elle magazine explores the impact of quarantine on women who suffer from agoraphobia:  is it easier to stay at home?  Are there concerns about backsliding and losing ground?  What will it be like to reopen?  Dr. Karen Cassiday was interviewed as one of the experts.  From the article: "[Dr. Cassiday has] already noticed what were previously 'little [...]

‘I Should Be Good At This’: Agoraphobic People Are Suffering Through Quarantine With Everyone Else2020-05-21T10:53:57-05:00

Dr. Cassiday Addresses Medication Concerns on


Though we continue to adapt to new situations and daily changes in routine during COVID-19,  anxiety and depression have increased for so many.  Since everyone is in the same boat, how do you know if you are suffering with normal symptoms or a treatable condition?  Should you ask for medication, and if so, when? Dr. [...]

Dr. Cassiday Addresses Medication Concerns on Fatherly.com2020-05-12T12:09:49-05:00

Finding Calm in the COVID-19 Storm by Dr. Karen Cassiday


"What if you have the kind of anxiety that makes you feel trapped and panicky because of the stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19?  While there are some whose anxiety disorder might find it a relief to stay home and engage in social distancing, there are many for whom this situation creates a special nightmare." In [...]

Finding Calm in the COVID-19 Storm by Dr. Karen Cassiday2020-05-08T14:11:37-05:00

Do I Have Anxiety or Am I Just Stressed? Listen to Christina Maxwell’s WGN Radio Interview


Christina Maxwell joined "Into the Night" host Ji Suk Yi on WGN Radio 720 to explain the differences and similarities between stress and anxiety, how to best manage them during the pandemic, as well as offer life-long tools to help cope with anxiety-triggering situations.  Enjoy listening to the interview, and be sure to check out [...]

Do I Have Anxiety or Am I Just Stressed? Listen to Christina Maxwell’s WGN Radio Interview2020-04-30T16:08:38-05:00
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